

王瑞生 醫學博士暨人工生殖專科醫師

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 博士班畢業(專攻生殖醫學)

臺北醫學大學附設醫院 婦產科暨生殖醫學中心 專任主治醫師
臺北醫學大學 醫學系 婦產學科 兼任講師
美國紐約州羅徹斯特大學附設醫院 生殖內分泌研究中心 研究員
板橋遠華婦產科診所 院長
板橋育馨中山婦產科診所 院長

臺北婦產科診所 生殖醫學中心 副院長



  1. 李耀泰(Li YT),王瑞生(Wang RS),尹長生(Yin CS),陳福民(Chen FM),李俊卿(Lee CC). Clinical pitfall of aspiration cytology in differential diagnosis of an adnexal mass complicating pregnancy: A case report. 中華民國婦產科醫學會會刊雜誌 (Taiwanese J Obstet Gynecol.) 1998, 37(3): 109-113
  2. 楊鵬生,王瑞生,曾啟瑞. 以卵子捐贈及試管嬰兒治療早期卵巢衰竭的不孕症之成果報告. J. of Re-prod. And Inferti. 2000, 9(4): 224-227
  3. 王瑞生*,曾啟瑞. 早期多胞胎妊娠合併一胎兒自然消失現象. Adv. Obstet. Perinatol. 2001, 12(3-4):161-162
  4. Chen HW, Chen JW, Li HN, Chang SJ, ChengYF, Chang CW, Wang RS, Yang PS, Huang CT, Tzeng CR. Global analysis of differentially expressed genes in early gestational decidua and chorionic villi us-ing a 9600 human cDNA microarray. Mol. Hum. Reprod., 2002;8:475-484.
  5. Yeh S, Hu YC, Wang PH, Xie C, Xu Q, Tsai MY, Dong Z, Wang RS, Lee TH, Chang C. Abnormal Mammary Gland Development and Growth Retardation in Female Mice and MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells Lacking Androgen Receptor. J. Exp. Med., 2003;198:1899-1908.
  6. Chang C, Chen YT, Yeh SD, Xu Q, Wang RS, Guillou F, Lardy H, Yeh S. Infertility with defective sper-matogenesis and hypotestosteronemia in male mice lacking the androgen receptor in Sertoli cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2004; 101:6876-6881
  7. Hu YC, Wang PH, Yeh S, Xie C, Wang RS, Xu Q, Zhou X, Chao HT, Tsai MY, Chang C. Subfertility and de-fective folliculogenesis in female mice lacking androgen receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2004; 101:11209-11214.
  8. Lin HY, Xu Q, Yeh S, Wang RS, Sparks JD, Chang C. Insulin and leptin resistance with hyperleptinemia in mice lacking androgen receptor. Diabetes, 2005;54(6):1717-25.
  9. Wang RS*, Yeh S, Chen LM, Lin HY, Zhang C, Ni J, Wu CC, di Sant’Agnese PA, deMesy-Bentley KL, Tzeng CR, Chang C. Androgen receptor in Sertoli cell is essential for germ cell nursery and junction-al complex formation in mouse testes. Endocrinology, 2006; Dec; 147(12): 5624-5633
  10. Zhang C, Yeh S, Chen YT, Wu CC, Lin HY, Wang RS, Chuang KH, Hu L, Lardy H, Chang C. Oligo-zoospermia with normal fertility in male mice lacking the androgen receptor in testis perit-ubular myoid cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2006 103(47): 17718-17723.
  11. Tsai MY*, Yeh SD*, Wang RS*, Yeh S, Xu Q, Lardy H, Chen LM, Lin HY, Zhang C, Tzeng CR, Chang C. Differential effects of spermatogenesis and fertility in mice lacking androgen receptor in individual testis cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2006 103(50): 18975-18980.
  12. Xu Q, Lin HY, Yeh SD, Yu IC, Wang RS, Chen YT, Zhang C, Altuwaijri S, Chen LM, Chuang KH, Chiang HS, Yeh S, Chang C. Infertility with defective spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in male mice lacking androgen receptor in Leydig cells. Endocrine, 2007 32(1): 96-106.
  13. Chen LM, Wang RS, Lee YF, Liu NC, Chang YJ, Wu CC, Xie S, Hung YC, Chang C. Subfertility with defec-tive folliculogenesis in female mice lacking testicular orphan unclear receptor 4. Mol. Endocrinol-ogy, 2008; 22(4):858-867.
  14. Yu IC, Lin HY, Liu NC, Wang RS, Sparks JD, Yeh S, Chang C. Hyperleptinemia without obesity in male mice lacking androgen receptor in adipose tissue. Endocrinology, 2008;149(5):2361-2368.
  15. Lin HY, Yu IC, Wang RS, Chen YT, Liu NC, Altuwaijri S, Hsu CL, Ma WL, Jokinen J, Sparks JD, Yeh S, Chang C. Increased hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in mice lacking hepatic androgen recep-tor. Hepatology. 2008 Jun;47(6): 1924-1935.
  16. Wang RS*, Yeh S, Tzeng CR, Chang C. Androgen receptor role in spermatogenesis and fertility: les-sons from testicular cell-specific androgen receptor knockout mice. Endocrine Reviews, 2009 Apr;30(2):119-132.
  17. Lee YF, Liu S, Liu NC, WangRS, Chen LM, Lin WJ, Ting HJ, Ho HC, Li G, Puzas EJ, Wu Q, Chang C. Premature aging with impaired oxidative stress defense in mice lacking TR4. Am. J. Physiol. Endo-crinol. Metab. 2011 Jul;301(1):E91-98.
  18. Chang C, Lee SO, Wang RS, Yeh S, Chang TM. Androgen receptor (AR) physiological roles in male and female reproductive systems: lessons learned from AR-knockout mice lacking AR in selective cells. Biol. Reprod. 2013 Jul 25;89(1):21, 1-16.
  19. Wang RS*, Chang HY, Kao SH, Kao CH, Wu YC, Yeh S, Tzeng CR, Chang C. Abnormal mitochondrial function and impaired granulosa cell differentiation in androgen receptor knockout mice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015 Apr 30; 16(5), 9831-9849.
  1. Wang RS, Wu KY, Sheen TC, Au HK, Chien LW, Chang SR, Wen JY, Tzeng CR. The clinical evaluation of multiple pregnancies with a spontaneous fetal demise. Presented at 1999 Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology. April 10-11, 1999.
  2. Sheen TC, Au HK, Chien LW, Wang RS, Chang SJ, Kuo SH, Cheng YF, Tzeng CR. Serum inhibin B on the day of oocyte retrieval reflect ovarian response but is not a good predictor of pregnancy outcome. Presented at 2000 annual meeting of the Taiwan Society for Reproductive Medicine. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 7-8, 2000.
  3. Ni CF, Wu KI, Chang SJ, Kuo SH, Sheen TC, Wang RS, Au HK, Chien LW, Tzeng CR. A comparison of psot-thaw results between cryopreserved embryos derived from intracytoplasmic sperm injection and those from conventional IVF. Presented at 2000 annual meeting of the Taiwan Society for Reproductive Medicine. Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 7-8, 2000.
  4. Wang RS, Au HK, Sheen TC, Tzeng CR. Antinuclear Antibody In Women with Reproductive Failure. Presented at 2000 annual meeting of the Taiwan Society for Reproductive Medicine. Taipei, Taiwan. Oct. 7-8, 2000.
  5. Hung YC, Yang PS, Wang RS, Au HK, Chien LW, Chang SJ, Cheng YF, Kuo SH. Tzeng CR. “Abnormality of Chromosome in Abortion following Artifical Reproductive Technology”.Presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 24-25, 2001.
  6. Wang RS, Yang PS, Hung YC, Chang SJ, Cheng YF, Kuo SH, Tzeng CR. Surgical correction of hydrosalpinx may improve IVF-ET outcome, Report of five cases. Presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 24-25, 2001.
  7. Yang PS, Wang RS, Hung YC, Au HK, Chang SJ, Cheng YF, Kuo SH, Tzeng CR. A retrospective study: The pregnancy outcome of patients with premature ovarian failure (POF) treated with oocyte donation and IVT/ET. Presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 24-25, 2001.
  8. ChenHW, Li HN, Chang SJ, Cheng YF, Wang RS, Yang PS, Hung YC, Chen JW , Tzeng CR. Global analysis of differentially expressed genes in early gestationl decidua and chorionic villi using human cDNA microarray. Presented at Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine 2001 Annual Meeting, Sep 8-9, 2001.
  9. Wang RS, Yang PS, Cheng YF, Sheen TC, Au HK, Tzeng CR. Effects of GnRHa on bone absorption makers in the patients with endometriosis after short-term use. The 17th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility (IFFS 2001), Melbourne, Nov. 25-30, 2001.
  10. Yang PS, Wang RS, Hung YC, AU HK, Chen HW, Cheng YF, Kuo SH, Tzeng CR. Anovulation induction protocol without human menopausal gonadotropins followed by artificial insemination with husband can lead to high pregnancy rates in patients with polycyctic ovaries: a retrospective study. Presented at Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine 2001 Annual Meeting, Sep 8-9, 2001.
  11. Wang RS, Yang PS, Au HK, Sheen TC, Tzeng CR. Ovarian Hyperstimulation protocol for IUI in the treatment of infertility with minimal or mild endometriosis”. The VIII World Congress on Endometriosis, San Diego, Feb. 24-27, 2002.
  12. Wang RS, Yeh S, Chen LM, Lin HY, Zhang C, Ni J, Wu CC, di Sant’Agnese PA, deMesy-Bentley KL, Tzeng CR, Chang C. Androgen receptor in Sertoli cell is essential for germ cell nursery and junctional complex formation in mouse testes. Presented at the 5th Biannual Meeting of Pacific Rim Society for Fertility and Sterility, June 9-10, 2006
  13. Liu WM, Wang RS, Chou CS, Tang WL, Wang IT, Tzeng CR. Combined laparoscopic uterine artery occlusion and myomectomy through a mini-laparotomy in the treatment of recurrent uterine myomas. Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine 2006 Annual Meeting, Oct. 21-25, 2006.
  14. Liu WM, Wang RS, Wang PH, Tang WL, Wang IT, Tzeng CR. Uterine artery ligation in treating pregnant women with uterine leiomyomas during cesarean section. Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine 2006 Annual Meeting, Oct. 21-25, 2006.
  1. Hsieh RH, Au HK, Wang RS, Yang PS and Tzeng CR. 2004. “The Ovary: The Role of Mitochondria in the Aging Ovary”, 2nd ed. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego. pp 569-575.
  2. 王瑞生, 張家蓓, 李德初. 2010.「更年期,好自在」, 晨星出版社. 榮獲行政院衛生署國民健康局2011健康好書 [推介獎]
  3. 王瑞生, 2020.「好想懷孕 – 想孕就孕,輕鬆當爸媽」, 晨星出版社.
  1. 2000. 7. 八十八學年度台北醫學大學師生聯合學術研究發表會 – 優秀論文獎
  2. 2001. 7 八十九學年度台北醫學大學師生聯合學術研究發表會 – 優秀論文獎
  3. 2001. 4. 第十七屆世界不孕症年會(IFFS 2001,澳洲墨爾本)最佳口頭報告論文獎入圍
  4. 2006. 6. 第5屆汎太平洋不孕症醫學會年會最佳壁報論文獎
  5. 2006. 7. 九十四學年度台北醫學大學師生聯合學術研究發表會 – 優秀論文獎
  6. 2006. 9. 臺灣生殖醫學會2006年年會–最佳論文獎


美國有句諺語是這樣說的:「Every cloud has a silver lining」,意指每朵烏雲雖然遮蔽了光明,但有時候我們還是能從雲邊找到幾條銀色的絲線,這些銀色的絲線就是沒被遮住的光;言下之意是指,並非所有的事情都是令人絕望的。